6 Dog Myths!

Most people might claim they understand dogs better than cats, yet numerous myths persist about our furry companions. Today, we're debunking six common misconceptions.

Giving Your Dog Garlic Prevents Fleas and Intestinal Worms

Contrary to popular belief, garlic doesn't ward off fleas or worms in dogs. Even if it were effective, garlic can be harmful to your dog in large amounts. It's wiser to consult your vet for the most effective flea and worm prevention methods.

Reserve your garlic for making spaghetti sauce instead!

A Hot or Dry Nose Indicates Illness

The old wives' tale that a hot, dry nose signifies sickness in dogs isn't a reliable health indicator. If you notice your dog's nose is hot and dry, don't immediately worry. This condition is common after a nap, for instance. However, if your dog's nose remains dry or becomes crusty, it's prudent to have a vet examine their overall health.

A Wagging Tail Means Your Dog Is Happy

While dogs often wag their tails when happy, tail wagging primarily signals excitement. It's crucial to interpret the dog's overall body language to determine if their excitement is joyful or aggressive.

You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

This adage doesn't hold true. Training an older dog might present challenges, especially if they're experiencing hearing or vision loss. Nonetheless, teaching your dog new skills is feasible within their physical capabilities, and it's beneficial for their mental stimulation.

A Dog Running in the Yard Doesn't Need Walks

Merely spending time in the backyard doesn't equate to adequate exercise. Dogs, being pack animals, thrive on walking with their pack. Walking your dog fulfills their need for exercise and mental stimulation in ways the backyard cannot.

One Human Year Equals Seven Dog Years

The simplistic formula of multiplying a dog's age by seven to calculate their human age equivalent is inaccurate. Lifespans vary significantly across breeds; for example, a Yorkshire Terrier may live up to 17 years, whereas a Boxer might only reach 10 years. Additionally, dogs mature more rapidly in the early years of their lives—a two-year-old dog is akin to a 24-year-old human, while a four-year-old dog resembles a 32-year-old human.

And there you have it—six debunked myths about our canine friends!