Vaccines for Puppies and Dogs

Maintain your dog's immunity to harmful diseases with a vaccination plan.

We understand how important your loyal four-legged companion is to you. That's why we are delighted to introduce our exceptional vaccination service, designed to ensure complete protection against common diseases and maintain the vitality of your dog. With our team of experienced veterinarians and our commitment to animal well-being, we are here to accompany your dog at every stage of its life, ensuring robust health and unwavering happiness.

Why is vaccination essential for my dog's health?

Vaccination is essential for your dog's health because it is an effective means of preventing a range of potentially severe and sometimes fatal diseases. Vaccines protect your dog against viral and bacterial infections that can cause severe conditions, leading to serious consequences for its health. Among the common diseases prevented by vaccination are distemper, parvovirus, kennel cough, and leptospirosis. By stimulating your dog's immune system, vaccination arms it against these pathogens, reducing the risk of contracting these diseases.

How often should my dog be vaccinated?

The frequency of vaccinations for your dog depends on several factors, including its age, lifestyle, and specific recommendations from our veterinary team. Generally, puppies follow a more frequent vaccination schedule during their first few months to boost their developing immunity. As adults, the vaccination plan is often adjusted to reflect your dog's current health status and potential exposure to diseases. Some vaccines require annual boosters, while others may be administered every two or three years. For example, the rabies vaccine is often given in accordance with local regulations, typically every one to three years.

Can vaccines cause side effects in my dog?

Yes, as with any medical treatment, vaccines for dogs can cause side effects. However, it's important to note that most reactions are mild and temporary. Common side effects often include slight sensitivity or swelling at the injection site, temporary behavior changes, or transient fatigue. These reactions usually resolve on their own within a few days.

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