Vaccines for Kittens and Cats

Protect your feline friend with a vaccination plan.

We understand that your adorable four-legged companion deserves the best care. That's why we are delighted to introduce our exclusive vaccination service for cats. Preventive health is essential, and our veterinary experts are here to ensure that your loyal friend stays in top shape.

Why is vaccination so important for my cat?

Vaccination is crucial for your cat's health as it provides essential protection against several severe and potentially deadly diseases. These diseases, such as feline leukemia, infectious rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and feline panleukopenia, can lead to serious and sometimes fatal consequences for your feline companion. Vaccination stimulates your cat's immune system, helping it develop a robust response against these pathogens. By investing in vaccination, you significantly contribute to maintaining your cat's overall health and extending its life, avoiding the costly and painful complications associated with preventable diseases through vaccination.

How often should my cat be vaccinated?

The frequency of vaccinations for your cat depends on factors such as its age, health status, lifestyle, and recommendations from our veterinary team. Kittens typically follow a more frequent vaccination schedule to boost their developing immunity. As adults, the vaccination plan is adjusted based on current health and potential exposure to diseases. Some vaccines require annual boosters, while others may be administered every two or three years. Regular follow-up consultations are recommended to adjust the plan based on the cat's health. Our goal is to strike a balance between disease protection and reducing vaccination-related stress, with a team ready to guide you throughout the process.

Are there potential side effects associated with vaccination?

Yes, potential side effects may occur after vaccinating your cat. Most reactions are mild and temporary, such as slight redness or swelling at the injection site, which tends to resolve within a few days. Less frequent side effects may include temporary lethargy, loss of appetite, or tenderness at the injection site. These symptoms generally resolve on their own.

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